Soft Skill B.Inggris 2

TUGAS : (Determiners )

⧪ Definite Articles ⧪

Definite article bisa juga di artikan sebagai kata tunjuk tertentu , yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan beberapa hal , atau benda tertentu yang sudah jelas maksut nya  . Kata “THE” dapat di artikan sebagai “TERSEBUT atau ITU”

Aturan penggunaannya:
Kata THE di depan kata benda yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya.
Contoh: There is a elephant under the three. The elephant is very big.

Kata THE dipakai untuk menyebutkan sesuatu yang telah diketahui bersama, antara pembicara dan pendengar.
Contoh: The man under the tree is my father.
Disini, pembicara dan pendengar sama-sama sudah tahu laki-laki mana yang dimaksud.

Kata THE dipakai untuk menyebutkan sesuatu yang sudah menjadi pengetahuan umum.
Contoh: the Earth is round
Semua orang tahu bumi itu berbentuk bulat

Kata THE juga di depan kata benda yang spesifik karena dibatasi oleh kata, frase, atau anak kalimat.
Contoh: The house where Riky  lives in is very nice.
            Rumah yang dimaksud sudah spesifik, yakni rumah tempat tinggal Riky,, bukan rumah orang   lain.

Berikut ini adalah daftar panduan kapan Anda menggunakan the dan kapan Anda tidak boleh menggunakan THE.
Gunakan THE di depan kata-kata berikut
Jangan gunakan THE di depan kata-kata berikut
Oceans, rivers, seas, plural lakes
Singular lakes (danau tunggal)
Earth, moon
Planets (Mars, Jupiter, Venus)
School, universities
Contoh: The University of Gunadarma
School, universities
Contoh: Gunadar,a University
Ordinal numbers before nouns
Contoh: The Second World War, the first meeting, the third week.
Cardinal numbers after nouns
Contoh: Unite one, meeting three, chapter seven.
Certain countries or groups of countries with more than one word except Great Briatain.
Contoh: The United States, The United Kingdom, The Central African Republic.
Countries preceded by New or an adjective such as direction.
Contoh: New Zealand, South Africa, North Korea
Countries with only one word
Contoh: Indonesia, Malaysia, Sweden
Contoh: Europe, Africa
Contoh: California, Ohio

TULISAN : ( the most interesting events )

Fall From a Guava Tree
When I was kid, I felt out of my friend’s guava tree. At that time, my friends and I wanted to eat guava in front of my friend’s house. The tree was very high.
Because no one dared to climb the tree, I braced myself to climb it. I knew that I could not climb the tall tree. Then I climbed the tree. Having reached the top, I started looking for fruit which I would take.” said one of my friends. “Fetch the fruit!” begged my friend. Then I tried to reach the fruit. However, when I was about to pick it up, the trunk where I stand broken. I felt from the tree. “Gubraaakk” My body crushed the ground. I cried in pain. I see blood was coming out of my leg.
At that moment, I was ushered by my friend to my home. They told my mother that I fell out of a guava tree. Then my mother treated my wounds. Until now the wound is still seen in my leg. Every time I see it, I remember my childhood that careless.


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