Direct And Indirect


DIRECT dan INDIRECT SPEECH (Kalimat Langsung dan Tak Langsung)

Direct Speech adalah kalimat yang diucapkan langsung dari si pembicara. Kalimat
tersebut tidak diubah atau ditambah.
Contoh :
-Nurul said, “I am so sad”.
-They said, “We have watched football game”.
Indirect Speech adalah kalimat yang berasal dari kalimat langsung yang diceritakan
kembali dalam bentuk yang lain.
Contoh :
-Nurul said that he was so sad

-They said that they had watched football game.
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
» Simple Present Tenses
» Simple Past Tenses
S + V1(s,es) + o/c
S + V2 + o/c
S + Do/Does + V1 + o/c
S + Did + Not + V1 + o/c
Do/Does + S + V1 + o/c
Did + S + V1 + o/c
Father said, “I go to the office today”
father said that he went to the office that day

Tulisan :

The term “market”, as used by economists, is an extansion of the ancient idea of a market as a place where people gather to buy and sell goods. In former days part of atown was kept as the market of marketplace, and people would travel many kilometers on special marketdays in order to buy and sell various commodities. Today,however,markets such as the world sugar market,the gold market and the cotton market do not need to have any fixed geographical location. Such a market is simply a set of conditions permitting buyers and sellers to work together.

Istilah pasar seperti yang biasa digunakan para pelaku ekonomi,adalah perpanjangan dari pemikiran kuno, tempat dimana masyarakat berkumpul untuk membeli dan menjual barang. Pada zaman dulu, beberapa bagian dari sebuah kota  biasa digunakan sebagai pasar, dan masyakarat biasa berpergian berkilo-kilo meter pada hari tertentu untuk membeli dan menjual berbagai komoditas. Pada masa sekarang, pasar gula dunia, pasar emas dan pasar kapas tidak perlu memiliki tempat khusus. Karena pasar sekarang memudahkan para penujual dan pembeli untuk bekerja bersama sama.


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